Technological Activities

Children between the ages of 5 and 11 have a great capacity to learn computing and algorithms and it would be a shame to wait until they become teenagers.
What benefits are there to the child in knowing how to program?
Programming encourages the development of abstract thinking and it promotes the development of algorithmic thinking. It helps to nurture creative processes and it brings together the use of a variety of different intelligences such as linguistic, mathematical, artistic, spatial and musical in shared projects.
Robotics in education has become an efficient method of developing interdisciplinary work and improving the teaching and learning process.
What do we achieve learning robotics?
The student acquires knowledge in a playful and motivating way. This collaborative work technique encourages the students to think independently, to respect each other’s work and to control their impulsiveness. It also promotes the development of creativity and critical and structural thinking. Each group designs projects in which each member plays their role within the team: programmer, designer, builder…

Electronics /Electricity
Electricity is a form of energy which makes things move and function.
Electronics is an engineering specialization that studies and uses systems based the conduction and control of electrical signals.
What do we learn?
The student learns the principles of electricity and electronics. We adapt such principles according to the age of the students by creating electrical circuits in series and in parallel; understanding what a resistance is; knowing how a LED works, and how to connect motors…

The DIY (Do It Yourself) concept has become digital. That is what is known as the MAKER movement.
What do we do in MAKER’s workshops?
Students learn to create technology with their own hands. They work with wires, solar and electronic boards —with all their components—, and also they solder and connect wires. In addition, they experiment with designing and printing in 3D. They also work with new technologies such as virtual reality.